The Correlation between Tobacco and Big Ag
“Cigarettes have always been linked with relaxation and enjoyment. In the beginning, only for a few exclusive groups, but in the twentieth century, mass production and modern marketing made cigarettes available to the masses.”
“Before the development of the cigarette manufacturing machine, it was very expensive to make cigarettes so very few people could afford them, and with the development of a machine that would make cigarettes, it brought the cost way down. The second important development was the development of safety matches so people could light the cigarettes. And, the third and probably the most important one was the development of modern advertising and public relations which occurred in the 1910s, and the first really big push for cigarettes came in World War I where the tobacco companies arranged for the troops to get free cigarettes.” Stanton Glanz, Professor, University of California SF
“Nonhuman flesh, byproducts and secretions have always been linked with taste and enjoyment. In the beginning, only for a few exclusive groups, but beginning in the 1970s, mass production as well as marketing and advertising made meat, fish, dairy and eggs available to the masses.”
“Before the development of factory farming, it was very expensive to produce meat, fish, dairy and eggs so very few people could afford them, and with the development of factory farming that would mass produce nonhuman flesh, byproducts and secretions (circa 1970), it brought the cost way down. The second important development occurred in 1969 when Congress passed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act (Public Law 91-222) which prohibited cigarette advertising on television and radio, and required the Surgeon General’s label of “Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health” on each cigarette package. And, the third and probably the most important one was the capitalization of marketing and advertising which appealed to sensory pleasure and created addictions to meat, cheese, butter, ice cream, eggs and fast food.”
Sensory pleasure: Big Ag (meat, fish, dairy, egg industries) verses Tobacco
A Great Way to Start 2020
On Friday, January 3, 2020, a judge ruled that ethical veganism qualifies as a philosophical belief protected under UK law.
It’s nice to know the law is catching up to life.
In Genesis 1:26, the Bible states that God gave humans “dominion over creatures.” Many Hebrew scholars believe the word “dominion” is a very poor translation of the original Hebrew word “v’yirdu” which actually meant “to rule over” as a wise king rules over his subjects with CARE and RESPECT. It implied a sense of RESPONSIBILITY and ENLIGHTENED STEWARDSHIP.
Likewise, Gandhi professed, “Unlike the animal, God has given man the faculty of reason. Ethically they had arrived at the conclusion that man’s supremacy over lower animals meant not that the former should prey upon the latter, but that the higher should PROTECT the lower, and that there should be mutual aid between the two as between man and man. They had also brought out the truth that man eats not for enjoyment but to live.”
Mark Twain concurred. “Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he’s the one that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.”
If God wants us to breed into existence billions of nonhuman beings to enslave, torture and slaughter them (mostly as babies) for sensory pleasure, then what in the world could the Devil possibly want?
If you study religion or philosophy, there exists a common theme of Goodness which implies Compassion, Empathy, Gentleness, Kindness, Peace and the Golden Rule…which supports Veganism; not Violence, Torture and Slaughter.
2019 Recap
New Hope Now and the Nonhuman Rights community made extraordinary progress in 2019.
Last year, I met with Senator Booker’s Counsel, Adam Zipkin, and Lauren Tavar regarding the passage of several Nonhuman Rights bills. As I suspected, only one, entitled the Compassionate Cosmetics Act, appeared ripe for passage. (The other drafts remain on hold…but, not for long!)
I also designed this website; created a YouTube channel, and filmed and published several videos; wrote a book and created an online store.
Cool hoodies for gifts or yourself:
Eye Opening book:
PLEASE KNOW that I remain extremely grateful and blessed for all of YOUR gracious support. I love being a part of the most important social justice issue of our time, and most importantly acting as a steward for all nonhuman beings.
2020 is going to be a GREAT year! We are on the brink of freeing them all!
I, personally, have exciting plans as you will soon see. With respect to advocacy and legislation, it appears President Trump may have opened a doorway for us when he signed PACT, HR 724 on November 25, 2019.
More good news.
Senator (and Presidential Candidate) Cory Booker introduced the Farm System Reform Act of 2019 which will place a moratorium on CAFOs.
In addition, The Guardian published an article about an ethical veganism/employment discrimination case. Apparently, Peter Daly, Esquire of the prestigious law firm of Slater Gordon in London will represent Mr. Casamitjana who was terminated by his employer, League Against Cruel Sports, because he advised his colleagues that their employer invested pension monies in companies involved in animal testing. It appears that the aforementioned lawsuit serves as an opportunity to set a legal precedent with respect to protected classes which has the potential to set the tone for the rest of the world because as you know, most people do not understand that veganism represents a lifestyle and the premise is “ahimsa” which means “nonviolence and reverence for all life” in the Hindu, Buddhist and Jainist traditions. Accordingly, absolutely yes, veganism does fall under the umbrella of religious discrimination.
How a Plant Based Diet Can Save Our Planet
The greenhouse effect means that atmospheric gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone) sustain life on earth by trapping heat from the sun. These gases allow the sun’s rays to pass through and warm the earth, but prevent the warmth from escaping into space in order to maintain temperatures on earth to sustain life.
The problem is that the rapid increase of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide and methane, is intensifying this natural greenhouse effect.
For thousands of years, the gases remained balanced and stable because natural processes removed and released about the same amount. The reason the scientists have been concerned over the last couple of decades is that modern human actions such as burning fossil fuels, animal agriculture and deforestation have been increasing and these activities continue to add huge, unnatural quantities of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Since the problem is the rapid increase of greenhouse gases, predominantly carbon dioxide and methane, we need to stop the human activities that produce the most of these two gases.
We all agree that countries need to promote policies and invest in new technologies to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, but legislation, innovation and diversification take time.
So, why should we act and what should we do today?
Today’s atmosphere contains more than forty percent more carbon dioxide than it did at the start of the industrial era. Levels of methane and carbon dioxide are the highest they have been in nearly half a million years.
While methane doesn’t stay in the atmosphere as long as carbon dioxide, it is more dangerous to the climate because of how effectively it absorbs heat.
Almost half of livestock emissions are in the form of methane,
about one quarter are from nitrous oxide; and
about one quarter are from carbon dioxide.
Of all the types of greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, the two most significant, carbon dioxide and methane, comprise approximately 75% of the greenhouse gas emissions and are produced by factory farming.
Factory farming causes methane levels to skyrocket according to ThinkProgress, “Methane Emissions are Spiking, But It Might Be More Cow Than Car,” March 17, 2016. A study found that agriculture related emissions rather than those from the production or use of fossil fuels, were to blame for the increase of methane in the atmosphere. Scientists concluded that methane from factory farming increased more rapidly than methane produced from extracting fossil fuels.
In fact, factory farming produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation industry of the world.
On November 5, 2019, more than 11,000 scientists of the Alliance of World Scientists, confirmed the warning of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report of 2006 in the findings of a new study published in the journal BioScience entitled, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency.” The findings assert that humans created the climate crisis over the past four decades, toxic greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise rapidly, governments remain unsuccessful in solving the crisis, and scientists have “a moral obligation to clearly warn humanity of any catastrophic threat.”
What can we all do today? According to the study, “nations need to promptly reduce emissions of potent pollutants such as methane…researchers say that reducing these short-lived climate pollutants could slow the planet’s short-term warming trend by more than 50 percent over the next few decades.”
The study also says people should “eat mostly plant based food which will improve human health and significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions from livestock…”
The article references the 2018 report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which states, “An immense increase of scale in endeavors to conserve our biosphere is needed to avoid untold suffering due to the climate crisis.”
We can all do our part to protect the planet simply by eliminating factory farming, and not consuming, wearing or using the flesh, skins, fur, feathers, byproducts and secretions of nonhuman beings. We have plenty of viable alternatives available today.
Pacifism can literally save our planet.
Pacifism means nonviolence and creates a higher level of consciousness.
Pacifists live in alignment with the values of Benevolence, Compassion, Empathy, Peace, the Golden Rule, Reverence for all life, Gentleness and Kindness.
I invite all of you to participate in a fun activity. Just click on the link below and you will see a list of various ways you can enjoy a peaceful lifestyle. If you have questions, feel free to contact me via
I am not a licensed physician or scientist.
All views expressed on this website are based upon my personal experience and/or research.
How a Plant Based Diet Increases Your Life Expectancy
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, advised, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
A vegan diet contains life force energy.
A major study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal shows that vegans have substantially lower death rates than those who consume meat, dairy and eggs.
Scientists at Harvard’s Mass General Hospital monitored health and diet records of more than 130,000 people over the course of thirty years. They determined that every three percent increase in calories from plant protein reduced the risk of death by ten percent, and reduced the risk of dying from heart disease by 12 percent.
Nonhuman flesh, byproducts and secretions contain high calories, and cholesterol and saturated fat which clog arteries.
Moreover, your body should be a temple. It doesn’t make sense to put dead flesh or toxic byproducts and secretions into a living body.
The factory farms are literally hell on earth. Billions of sweet, innocent living beings who are exactly like your pets at home endure unimaginable pain while they are tortured for their entire lives, and their lifeless bodies remain filled with hormones, antibiotics, blood, feces, bacteria, viruses and pus that cause a myriad of health problems, but the worst part is that you absorb the negative energy of their fear, terror and pain.
If you don’t have to deal with degenerative diseases and chronic conditions because you remain healthy, you won’t cause a premature death due to illness.
In addition, as a healthy individual, you don’t have to take medications which have side effects and a host of other symptoms from drugs.
In contrast, plant based foods are cholesterol free, and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which promote and enhance our health and our lives.
A plant based diet contains life force energy.
Pacifism can literally save our planet.
Pacifism means nonviolence and creates a higher level of consciousness.
Pacifists live in alignment with the values of Benevolence, Compassion, Empathy, Peace, the Golden Rule, Reverence for all life, Gentleness and Kindness.
I invite all of you to participate in a fun activity. Just click on the link below and you will see a list of various ways you can enjoy a peaceful lifestyle. If you have questions, feel free to contact me via
I am not a licensed physician or scientist.
All views expressed on this website are based upon my personal experience and/or research.
Eight Ways a Plant Based Diet Improves Your Sex Life
First, a plant based diet promotes foods like oranges, cacao, sunflower seeds, watermelon, gogi berries and avocados that boost circulation which is a key factor in enhancing sexual function.
Second, when you are healthy, you don’t need to take medications that can lower libido and performance.
Third, a plant based diet unclogs arteries, and better cardiovascular health increases blood flow. A vegan diet eliminates plaque from the arterial walls and increases blood circulation. The more blood flow to a man’s penis, the more likely he will please his partner.
Fourth, a vegan diet will boost your energy level and stamina which results in a higher libido.
Fifth, a plant based diet produces lots of serotonin, the happy hormone.
When you feel happy and maintain positive energy, you want to have sex and your partner wants you.
Sixth, a vegan diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and antioxidants (which counteracts the effects of free radical molecules that cause cell damage and inflammation), gives you a glow and smooth, silky skin with elasticity.
Seventh, you smell fresher and sweeter.
A vegan diet, which is high in vegetables and fruit, keeps your body smelling fresh. Your body odor is significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense than those who consume meat, dairy and eggs.
Apparently, a woman’s vagina can develop a fishy odor which is a consequence of a compound of decay called putrescine, a foul smelling chemical compound that is related to cadaverine, a foul smelling compound related to nonhuman tissue. Both compounds are produced by the breakdown of amino acids in living and dead organisms, and both are toxic in large doses. The two compounds are largely responsible for the foul odor of putrefying flesh, and contribute to bad breath and bacterial vaginosis. They are also found in semen.
Women are more likely to get bacterial vaginosis if they have lower levels of phytonutrients like vitamin C and beta carotene in their bloodstream which indicates a low intake of vegetables and fruit. In addition, a high saturated fat intake increases vaginal pH and also increases the likelihood of getting bacterial vaginosis. Most saturated fat in the United States comes from dairy (cheese, butter, yogurt, milk, ice cream), chicken and desserts.
Finally, your natural lubrication increases.
A vegan diet naturally increases lubrication for women because the high water volume in vegetables and fruit keeps your body hydrated. Vegetables and fruit also hydrate the skin, plump out fine lines and produce a radiant glow. Healthy fats such as flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, nuts and avocados actually nourish and tone your vagina.
Pacifism can literally save our planet.
Pacifism means nonviolence and creates a higher level of consciousness.
Pacifists live in alignment with the values of Benevolence, Compassion, Empathy, Peace, the Golden Rule, Reverence for all life, Gentleness and Kindness.
I invite all of you to participate in a fun activity. Just click on the link below and you will see a list of various ways you can enjoy a peaceful lifestyle. If you have questions, feel free to contact me via
I am not a licensed physician or scientist.
All views expressed on this website are based upon my personal experience and/or research.
Five Ways a Plant Based Diet Improves Your Mood and Mental Health
First, a plant based diet helps with depression because a vegan diet includes more complex carbohydrates than diets based on meat, dairy and eggs. Complex carbohydrates increase the feel good hormone, serotonin, in your brain.
Sources of complex carbs are whole grains such as rice, quinoa and oats; pasta; barley; potatoes; corn; and legumes (beans, peas, peanuts and lentils).
Second, a vegan diet boosts your immune system because you consume more vitamins and nutrients than you would if you ate meat, dairy and eggs. You help prevent illnesses and diseases with vitamin C which helps your body produce antibodies and stimulates the production of white blood cells, and vitamin E which acts as a powerful antioxidant that fights infection. Less illness and disease contribute to a better mood, more energy and overall happiness.
Third, a plant based diet improves your quality of sleep due to the increased consumption of minerals such as magnesium and calcium which are conducive to more regulated and effective sleep cycles. Magnesium helps the quality of your sleep and calcium aids your sleep cycle. Sources of magnesium and calcium are green vegetables, oats, figs, tofu, beans, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, barley, oranges and raisins.
Fourth, a vegan diet decreases anxiety and stress because a vegan diet lowers your blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. In addition, you consume more vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B that have been linked to lower stress levels; and vitamins A, C and E which contain antioxidants that repel free radical molecules which cause cell damage and inflammation.
Fifth, a plant based diet allows you to vibrate at a high frequency so that you stay mentally and spiritually clear. Veganism produces lots of serotonin or the happy hormone.
In addition, peace begins on your plate. It doesn’t make sense to put dead flesh or toxic byproducts and secretions into a living body. Nonhuman beings are sentient, conscious and self-aware. In the factory farms, they can smell death and fear. They know what is happening to their loved ones, and they know their fate. When living beings know their death is imminent, they release hormones such as cortisol into their bodies because they don’t want to die. They go into a state of fear and terror.
When you consume the flesh, byproducts and secretions of nonhuman beings, your energy, mood and spirit are adversely affected because you absorb the negative energy of their pain.
Today, a lot of people live in fear. Gandhi proposed, “The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.”
When you vibrate on a low frequency, your energy is dense and dark, and you experience heavy problems, lethargy, drama, physical pain, depression, and other negative, toxic emotions.
In contrast, when you vibrate at a high frequency, your energy is light, and you enjoy personal power, clarity, peace, love, joy, synchronicities and manifestations.
Moreover, a vegan diet does not include the presence of arachidonic acid (or AA), a nonhuman source of omega-6 fatty acids that causes mood disturbing changes at high levels. Bipolar disorder or manic depression is a severe psychiatric illness which is treated with anti-manic drugs that decrease AA in the brain.
Finally, a vegan diet opens your third eye or your pineal gland which raises your level of consciousness, intuition, knowledge and wisdom.
Plants are live foods full of enzymes and rich nutrients as opposed to dead foods that calcify and block your third eye which keeps you in a low frequency and in a state of fear.
Pacifism can literally save our planet.
Pacifism means nonviolence and creates a higher level of consciousness.
Pacifists live in alignment with the values of Benevolence, Compassion, Empathy, Peace, the Golden Rule, Reverence for all life, Gentleness and Kindness.
I invite all of you to participate in a fun activity. Just click on the link below and you will see a list of various ways you can enjoy a peaceful lifestyle. If you have questions, feel free to contact me via
I am not a licensed physician or scientist.
All views expressed on this website are based upon my personal experience and/or research.
Ten Ways a Plant Based Diet Improves Your Physical Health
First of all, since you are an energetic being, you need to eat energetic food to stay healthy.
Plants are energetic foods that detoxify and neutralize your body, enhance immune function and produce serotonin, the happy hormone, which alleviates depression, relieves stress and boosts energy.
A plant based diet contains live alkaline foods, enzymes and life force energy rather than acidic foods. A high acidic diet of meat, dairy and eggs causes inflammation and creates mucus in your body which cause diseases and illnesses.
Second, a vegan diet counteracts the genetic likelihood of developing illnesses and diseases.
The antioxidants in a plant based diet repel free radical molecules (that cause cell damage and inflammation.)
You not only dramatically reduce, if not eliminate, your chances of diagnoses of degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and autoimmune diseases as well as chronic conditions such as obesity, arthritis, acne and digestive disorders; but you can reverse these problems if you have them as evidenced by testimonies of patients who have been able to stop taking their medications.
Third, a plant based diet provides higher energy levels and stamina, and better overall functioning of the body than a diet based on meat, dairy and eggs.
Foods rich in healthy fats, vitamins and minerals boost energy level as well as reduce stress and anxiety.
A vegan diet maintains healthy organs, skin, hair and nails.
Your eyes look brighter, whiter and more sparkling; your skin glows; your hair grows faster and looks shinier; your nails get stronger and grow longer; and you stay healthy.
Fourth, a vegan diet is rich in nutrients.
Many studies have reported that a plant based diet provides more fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and unsaturated fats than a diet based on meat, dairy and eggs.
A vegan diet includes whole plant based foods including milks such as almond, hemp and coconut; lots of vegetables and fruit; whole grains such as rice, quinoa and oats; potatoes; corn; legumes (beans, peas, peanuts and lentils); nuts; soy and seeds.
In addition, within reason for optimal health, you can enjoy pizza, pasta, fajitas, chocolate, ice cream, cake, cookies, brownies, potato chips, french fries, burgers, unfined or unfiltered wine as well as most beers and liquor. Ben & Jerry’s makes lots of delicious non dairy ice cream flavors, the Beyond Burger is available in many fine restaurants, Burger King sells the Impossible Whopper…you have plenty of options!
Now, with regard to within reason and for optimal health, all my fellow body builders should remember during the 1980s, Arnold advised us about too much white sugar, white flour and white rice which he called white death.
Fifth, a plant based diet helps you find and maintain your ideal weight.
A plant based diet naturally contains less calories. You easily and naturally find your ideal weight without counting calories.
Sixth, a vegan diet improves heart health.
Since vegans usually consume fewer calories than people who consume meat dairy and eggs, vegans generally have a lower body mass index (or BMI) and a reduced risk of obesity.
A lower BMI generally means lower levels of harmful cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
Seventh, a plant based diet lowers blood sugar levels and improves kidney function.
Vegans generally have healthy blood sugar levels and high insulin sensitivity (which allows cells of the body to use blood glucose more effectively).
Eighth, a vegan diet reduces pain and symptoms of conditions that have not yet disappeared.
A plant based diet provides relief of symptoms such as arthritic pain, joint swelling and stiffness; and diabetic sharp, burning, nerve pain.
Ninth, a plant based diet promotes good gut hormones.
Vegans have higher levels of beneficial gut hormones than those who consume meat, dairy and eggs who have fecal bile acid in their guts which can cause gastrointestinal infections.
Meat, dairy and eggs are difficult to digest because more stomach acid secretion, pancreatic enzyme secretion and bile synthesis are required to break down these acidic byproducts, secretions and flesh.
Last, but not least, a vegan diet builds and maintains muscle mass and strength, and strong bones.
Not only is it inefficient to feed grain to nonhuman beings, then eat them, but they get their protein and necessary nutrients from plants. The strongest nonhumans in the world such as gorillas, rhinos, elephants and horses all eat a plant based diet.
Pacifism can literally save our planet.
Pacifism means nonviolence and creates a higher level of consciousness.
Pacifists live in alignment with the values of Benevolence, Compassion, Empathy, Peace, the Golden Rule, Reverence for all life, Gentleness and Kindness.
I invite all of you to participate in a fun activity. Just click on the link below and you will see a list of various ways you can enjoy a peaceful lifestyle. If you have questions, feel free to contact me via
I am not a licensed physician or scientist.
All views expressed on this website are based upon my personal experience and/or research.