Vegan Protein

The subjects of vegan protein and a plant based diet remain popular, and are discussed throughout this website;

in my books including Eat, Live, Love available for free on this website at

Eye Opening Book!


in videos on New Hope Now’s YouTube channel at

New Hope Now @newhopenow501c3

First, there exist a number of professional and Olympic athletes including body builders who are vegan. A plant diet builds and maintains muscle mass and strength, and strong bones. Not only is it inefficient to feed grain to nonhuman beings, then eat them, but many nonhuman beings get their protein and necessary nutrients from plants. In fact, the strongest nonhuman beings in the world such as gorillas, rhinos, elephants, oxen and horses ALL EAT PLANT DIETS. If you want to be as strong as an ox, then eat like an ox.

I started weight lifting in 1981. I religiously ate one to two grams per pound of my body weight of animal protein (poultry, seafood, a little beef and pork, egg whites, skimmed dairy milk and whey protein powder) almost every single day for about thirty years. I literally ate a typical body building diet for about three decades because I believed, based on my education, that I was “eating clean.”

Circa 2010, when the Lord placed my Soul Mission (nonhuman rights) in my heart, I remained confused. Accordingly, I launched a research project and learned about the hell called factory farming (which left a hole in my heart) as well as the detrimental effects it causes to our environment and health. I also learned about nonhuman ethics, and the environmental and health benefits of a plant diet.

Over the course of one year, I eliminated all nonhuman flesh, byproducts and secretions from my diet.

Today, at 63 years young, the main difference I notice in my weight training is I now have zero recovery time. In my twenties, when I tweaked something in the gym, I typically had to rest for three or four days. Now, I feel great the very next day, and I know my body is much healthier since I eliminated all of the toxic foods.

Second, what foods are consideredvegan protein”? Mainly legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts), nuts, seeds, tofu and plant milks. There exist many, many, different varieties within the aforementioned categories with which you can enjoy an abundance of healthful, flavorful meals. The key is herbs, spices and sauces exactly like any kind of cooking and baking. Plant foods may be seasoned exactly the same way nonhuman flesh, byproducts and secretions are seasoned.

With respect to healthy food, I enjoy Mexican, Italian and Indian dishes mostly. I usually cook at home, and I enjoy eating in restaurants with loved ones occasionally. The key to dining out is to ask questions about the recipes. (Either call ahead or ask when ordering.)

Regarding Mexican food, I like spicy black beans served with rice and plantains. I also like fajitas. Uncle Julio’s authentic made from scratch Mexican restaurant is my absolute favorite as far as dining out Mexican style.

With regard to Italian food, since my blood is 100% Italian, as a second generation Italian-American, I love it all. I make pasta, lasagna, spinach pies, pizza, wine biscuits and molasses cuts mostly.

Many dishes are naturally vegan including my mom’s homemade cookie recipes. Meats and cheeses may be substituted or eliminated. For lasagna, I prefer to substitute Amy’s All American quarter pound burgers for the meat, but since they are hard to find now; I use Gardein (or Beyond or Impossible brands if my guests like the taste of animal flesh.) I use Follow Your Heart cheeses. I do not make lasagna often and generally do not use substitute products because they are not the healthiest foods, but they taste good and we all deserve treats occasionally. It’s always better to use whole foods or organic products made from whole foods like Amy’s brand.

Regarding Indian food, I believe turmeric, curry and ginger (like garlic) are panaceas for many ills. I enjoy eating entree’s made from garbanzo beans. Many side dishes are naturally vegan, one naam recipe is naturally vegan. A few years ago, I found a great family owned Indian restaurant (Nawab Indian Cuisine in Williamsburg, VA if my memory serves me correctly) where the daughter made delicious homemade chocolate desserts.

Speaking of desserts, I make delicious homemade chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and carrot cake with Follow Your Heart cream cheese frosting.

Additionally, I always enjoy making simple meals like stir fry made with tofu, vegetables, rice, herbs, spices and sauce; as well as tofu scramble and pho with herbs and spices. Tofu is like nonhuman flesh (meat) in that it has no flavor of its own and takes on the flavor of the herbs, spices and sauces in which it is marinated and/or cooked.

Third, the subject of satiety is actually humorous because the largest and strongest animals in the world such as gorillas, elephants, rhinos, oxen and horses eat a plant diet. How a 130 pound woman can feel unsatisfied remains puzzling unless she has been brainwashed to believe she needs ice cream, cheese, chicken, bacon, eggs and hot dogs (rather than fiber) in order to feel full.

I hope you benefit from the plethora of articles and recipes on this website and YouTube.

Note:  This article is not an advertisement for certain brands.  Rather, I wanted to share brands that taste good in my opinion.