Most human beings agree that nonhuman beings should be treated humanely, and they should not suffer unnecessarily. Many human beings share their homes with dogs and cats who they treat like family members. Many humans get upset when they see someone mistreat a dog or cat, and offer help because they understand the innocent victim is suffering and/or call law enforcement because they understand the mistreatment represents an illegal act.
Ironically, these same people support necessary suffering of nonhuman beings every day because laws protect and justify necessary suffering for human purposes. Acts that warrant criminal charges when performed by private citizens and would certainly be regarded as torture if they were committed against human beings remain LEGAL as long as there exists a human purpose.
The food, clothing, research and experimentation, and entertainment industries all represent human purposes. These industries unconscionably, cruelly and violently torture, mutilate and slaughter innocent lives for human purposes. Although no isolated act of cruelty or violence against a nonhuman being can be condoned or minimized in any way, every single year, human beings support the cruel and violent treatment of approximately 70 billion nonhuman beings who live on land and one trillion nonhuman beings who live in the sea. (All wars in the history of the world account for the loss of about one billion lives.)
To date, many human beings deny the Truth that is quickly unraveling because they refuse to educate themselves by watching live footage of the inside of factory farms or by visiting a slaughterhouse like the young medical doctor did in the story of The White Cow below.
Mothers cannot imagine what it would be like to have their newborn babies taken away from them. As a result, they refuse to believe the Truth that standard industry practice separates mothers and babies within the first 24 hours of birth. There exists a plethora of documentaries, YouTube videos, undercover investigations, interviews, et al. regarding this Traumatic Truth.
Every day, human beings are duped by Big Ag and Big Pharm into believing a ridiculous oxymoron like “humane treatment” exists. (The definition of humane is “having or showing compassion or benevolence.”) They believe the marketing and advertising slogans such as farm raised, grass fed and no antibiotics or hormones actually transform toxic substances into healthy foods exactly like they bought the marketing and advertising schemes of commercials of doctors, movie stars, athletes and housewives boasting of toasted, tasty, relaxing, refreshing, fashionable cigarettes from 1941 to 1971. (See Posts entitled, “The Correlation between Tobacco and Big Ag” and “Sensory pleasure: Big Ag (meat, fish, dairy, egg industries) verses Tobacco” herein.)
Unfortunately, whether we partake in this holocaust, we all continue to get swindled out of our money (due to the approximate 200% extra cost we all pay ) for the hidden medical and environmental costs of indulging in the flesh, byproducts and secretions of nonhuman beings for sensory pleasure.
Please learn the FACTS, and share the FACTS with others TODAY. The insightful, informative video below by Lesli Bisgould, Canada’s first Nonhuman Rights Lawyer, was published on May 6, 2014!